I tried using an AI to write an article
Hi all,
After being spammed multiple times by Jarvis.AI, I decided to buckle down and give it a go.
To give some context, it’s supposedly a tool that can help you write, but I wanted to see if it could write an ENTIRE article from scratch if I just gave it some prompts.
This was more of a fun experiment, and I wanted to share the progress (for more details, check out the Medium article).
Check out FigPii
Before I show the output, I wanted to highlight our sponsor for this week’s newsletter 😊.
FigPii reached out to me with a 10% lifetime offer to CornerTechMarketing subscribers. Many of us marketers, entrepreneurs and product folk just simply don’t have time to shift through mounds of data for our website.
FigPii helps you discover what users do, why, and exactly how to improve through machine learning.
If you’re looking for a tool that helps you build the user experience your audience wants and achieve better conversion rates, come check it out.
Check out the AI written article
Alright, let’s check it out. An AI wrote everything below, including the title.
Side Hustles: How You Can Work on Your Own and Make Money
There are many ways to make money. Some people work a 9–5 job, while others go the startup route and create their own business. But what about those who want something in between?
A side hustle is an additional income opportunity that someone works on outside of their full-time job or another entrepreneurial project. It can be done through marketing, blogging or any number of other things!
These people typically work on their side hustles in the evenings and weekends, and it can be a great way to make extra money. If you enjoy working for yourself or if you want more freedom from your job, startup life is something that might interest you!
But startup life is not for everyone — it’s very risky, and it takes a long time to get something off the ground.
Side hustles can be great because they allow you to create your own hours and work on startup projects without taking as much risk. It also gives you some money coming in if things don’t go well at startup or with entrepreneurship! Here are three tips that will help you run your side hustle successfully:
Set aside specific times for working on your side hustle
You need discipline if you want to make sure it actually gets done
Start small; build up gradually over time until there is enough income from the project(s) to live off of them alone (don’t quit)
You need to be detail-oriented when working on startup projects so you can get things done quickly and well
Your side hustles will probably take up more time than you expect, so don’t commit yourself to other responsibilities if it means your startup project won’t be finished in a timely manner
Set goals for how much work needs to get done each day/week/month (i.e., one chapter written per week; three pages completed by Friday). This way, even though it might feel like nothing is getting accomplished at first, there will actually be forward progress that can lead to success!
Keep in mind that startup projects are going to be a lot of work and can take time, so you need to have the right mindset. If it feels like too much for you at once, then maybe side hustles aren’t where your focus should lie.
You must choose which project is more important if both feel equally necessary.
So what do you think?
Pretty decent for an AI, but I still wouldn’t use it for everyday writing.
Let me know what you think!