Did you know about this social media stat?
Hi friends!
According to the State of Social Media, did you know 89% of businesses agree companies which do not invest in social media marketing will be left behind?
I found this actually on PrimoStats, a searchable database of curated marketing stats. This easy-to-use tool helps writers add credibility to their content—without wasting hours on Google.
You can actually try PrimoStats for free, so definitely check it out, as it’s personally saved me hours of time.
Note: This was a sponsored post (but I personally vetted them myself)
Speaking of Social Media, I’ve recently been testing out Faves, a new application for content creators, entrepreneurs and techies.
It’s like Twitter but to find and curate content by other professionals. So far, the userbase are mainly techies, founders and writers, so it’s definitely a tight niche.
However, if this application explodes, I bet you so many people will be on it, and it will become almost the next Twitter to hang around and discover new content. The userbase are Googlers, VPs of Robinhood and other exec level techies, so it’s a great place to be.
In my opinion, start building up your profile now so you can ride the wave if it ever comes. Right now, it only invites only with a waitlist, but if you’d like to try it out, email me at me@richardfliu.com, and I’ll get you an invite (it’s only on IOS, though).
I’m keeping this end of month newsletter somewhat short.
Someone emailed me recently actually and asked what happened to my startup wrapups, so I’ll definitely bring these back.
I actually stopped doing the monthly techwrapups as people seem to prefer these shorter ‘opinion’ pieces rather than a long curated tech wrapup. If you miss these, however, send an email to me, and I’ll bring it back!